¿Qué cambios se prevén en la Ley de Cadena de Transporte?

What changes are foreseen in the Transport Chain Law?

What changes are foreseen in the Transport Chain Law?

On 29th May 2023, the Prime Minister of Spain announced the dissolution of the General Court and the calling of elections. A decision that paralysed the processing of laws in the Spanish Parliament. Among them, the law on the freight transport chain, which was enacted as a royal decree in mid-2022. Here we would like to explain the main changes contemplated in the text.

Transport chain law

The so-called transport chain law is articulated in Royal Decree-Law 14/2022 and its objective, as its name suggests, is to regulate the road and maritime transport industry. Its primary aim is to prevent freight from being carried at a loss by providing for pre-determined contracts whose price covers minimum costs and expenses. A key measure to ensure fairness in the trade sector.

Its primary aim is to prevent freight from being carried at a loss by providing for pre-determined contracts whose price covers minimum costs and expenses.

Foreseen changes in freight transport

This is undoubtedly the main change envisaged by the transport chain law. However, it also provides for the creation of a register or consignment note for each consignment whose value exceeds 150 euros.

This document must contain various data, such as the name or company name, VAT number and address of the shipper and the sender. The same applies to the place, date and time of receipt, the nature of the goods and the name and location of the receiver.

But what happens if this requirement and the rest of the requirements set out in the law are not met? The law provides for significant penalties of up to 4,000 euros.

As if that were not enough, the Spanish government plans to create a regulated pricing structure through the Transport Ministry, Mobility and Urban Agenda. In addition, the law will include a Code of Good Commercial Practices in Transport Contracting

Boosting the freight transport sector

The law does, however, provide for substantial financial support for the freight transport sector. In total, they will be made up of a fund of 450 million euros, which will be distributed heterogeneously.

For example, taxi and VTC drivers will be eligible for a maximum of 300 euros, while those who carry heavy goods in their lorries will be eligible for up to 1250 euros. Unsurprisingly, all players in the sector are impatiently awaiting its approval and definitive implementation.

captación de conductores

Driver recruitment

The road haulage sector and the driver recruitment crisis

The road haulage industry is not finding enough drivers. Companies in the sector have been having problems finding professional drivers to drive their vehicles. This is a situation that can seriously affect the supply chain.

Driver recruitment

The lack of drivers has become a structural problem. Companies have different recruitment channels open on a permanent basis to cover their needs. But, even so, they do not manage to do so.

During the months leading up to the summer, the demand for drivers increases by up to 29%. Similarly, in September and October, the demand for drivers increases by 35%.

Moreover, this is exacerbated at certain times of the year. During the months leading up to the summer, the demand for drivers increases by up to 29%. Similarly, in September and October, the demand for drivers increases by 35%. However, both dates coincide with the times when fewer professionals are available. fewer professionals are available.. This situation has a serious impact on the vital freight transport sector.

Its impact on the freight transport sector

According to statistics, 90% of the products found in shops and supermarkets are transported by road. It is therefore essential to find drivers to drive trucks. Otherwise, there could even be a shortage of stock in supermarkets.

To make the problem worse, it is estimated that 72% of working professionals in Spain are over 50 years old. In other words, they are close to retirement. For this added reason this situation must be resolved to avoid serious problems for our economy.

captación de conductores

Requirements to become a driver

The following conditions must be met in order to work as a lorry driver in freight transport:

  • – Be at least 21 years old.
  • – Obtain a type C licence, which entitles to drive lorries. Depending on the vehicle, it can be C, C+E, C1 and C1+E (ADR for dangerous goods). Depending on the vehicle, it can be C, C+E, C1 and C1+E (ADR for dangerous goods). It must also be renewed every five years until the age of 65. After that, it must be renewed every three years.
  • – Medical examination in one of the centres authorised to perform them.
  • -Get theCAP. This is the Certificate of Professional Aptitude required for both freight and passenger transport. It includes knowledge on subjects such as road safety, mechanics, logistics and the environment.

In conclusion, the road freight transport sector is suffering problems to find drivers. This is due to the ageing of professionals and the lack of replacement drivers. However, it is a profession for which there are not too many requirements.

Evolución del diesel

Diesel evolution

Diesel evolution and its impact on road freight transport

The current energy situation shows increasing trends in fuel prices, in particular diesel. This situation, driven by several factors, results in significant effects on the general economy and especially on the transport sector.

Diesel evolution

Diesel has long been the fuel of choice for road freight transport due to its efficiency and cost. However, the recent period has seen fluctuations that reflect not only economic but also geopolitical and environmental factors.

Recently, we have seen a price increase of close to 10% in just two weeks. One of the factors contributing to this spike has been the end of subsidies and increased mobility in high demand months such as August.

In addition to these factors, the dollar/euro exchange rate has played a crucial role in many regions. Its fluctuations significantly affect the cost of importing crude oil and related products. When the dollar strengthens against the euro, these costs tend to rise.

Structural factors are also exerting pressure. Decisions by producing nations such as Saudi Arabia to limit oil extraction have created a scenario of reduced supply. This reduced availability translates into an increase in the cost of a barrel of oil.

In addition to these factors, the dollar/euro exchange rate has played a crucial role in many regions. Its fluctuations significantly affect the cost of importing crude oil and related products. When the dollar strengthens against the euro, these costs tend to rise

How road freight transport is affected

The road haulage sector is inherently sensitive to fluctuations in fuel prices. The progressive rise in fuel prices has consequences:

  • An increase in the price of diesel immediately implies an increase in the operating costs of transport companies.
  • It can affect the competitiveness of companies, especially those that do not have strategies in place to mitigate these increases, such as long-term contracts and/or a diversified portfolio of suppliers.
  • Companies could reconsider their routes and frequencies to optimise fuel consumption. This may result in changes in delivery times and logistics efficiency. Companies could reconsider their routes and frequencies to optimise fuel consumption. This may result in changes in delivery times and logistics efficiency.
  • In the long term, a high price scenario could accelerate the adoption of more efficient vehicles or powered by alternative energy.
Evolución del diesel

Diesel and its price evolution is a factor that undoubtedly shapes the operation of road freight transport. Despite the challenges it presents, companies like Ibertinsa demonstrate that with innovation and a commitment to constant improvement, it is possible to continue offering valuable solutions in this changing scenario.